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The Coastal Areas Climate Change Education (CACCE) Partnership: Development and Planning Efforts for Climate Change Education in Florida and the Caribbean
Jeffrey G. Ryan, Professor and Chair, Department of Geology, University of South Florida, USA


Sea Level Rise
Frank Muller-Karger, Professor, College of Marine Science, University of South Florida, USA


Climate Change and the Coastal and Marine Resources of Puerto Rico
Ruperto Chaparro Serrano, Director, Sea Grant Program, Puerto Rico


The San Juan Bay Estuary and its Initiative toward a Climate Ready Estuary
Jorge Bauzá, Scientific Advisor, San Juan Bay Estuary Program, Puerto Rico


Climate Change: Jamaica and the Caribbean; Really what must we expect?
Anthony Chen, Professor Emeritus, Department of Physics, The University of West Indies, Mona, Jamaica


The Virgin Islands Response to Climate Change – Achieving Climate Resilient, Low-Carbon Development
Cynara Benjamin Duncan, Environmental Education Officer, Conservation & Fisheries Department, British Virgin Islands, Tortola


Role of Tertiary Institutions in HCFC Elimination: Challenges and Required Capacities for Refrigeration Sector
Gurmohan S. Kochhar, Professor, Faculty of Enginnering, University of West Indies, St. Augustine Campus, Trinidad & Tobago


Minimizing the Risk of Making Poor Adaptation Choices in the Caribbean
Leonard Nurse, Senior Lecturer, Centre for Resource Management and Environmental Studies (CERMES), Barbados


Dominican Republic: Articulating the National Development Strategy (NDS) Educational Plans and Emission Reduction
Omar Ramírez Tejada, Executive Vice-President, National Council on Climate Change and Clean Development Mechanism, Dominican Republic


Puerto Rico: Climate Change Vulnerability Assessment and Adaptation Strategies
Ernesto L. Díaz (Director) & Kasey Jacobs (NOAA Fellow), Puerto Rico Coastal Zone Management Program, Department of Natural and Environmental Resources, Puerto Rico


Climate Change Impacts, Adaptation and Coastal Management in the U.S. Virgin Islands
Collin Daugherty, Conservation Planner, The Nature Conservancy Virgin Islands Office, St. Croix


Coastal Climate Change Adaptation (CCA), A SIDS Education Imperative
Lorna Inniss, Deputy Director, Coastal Zone Management Unit, Barbados


Promoting Education for Public Engagement in Climate Change Mitigation and Adaptation Initiatives in Guyana
Paulette Bynoe, Former Director and Lecturer II of the School of Earth and Environmental Sciences, University of Guyana, Guyana


Climate Change Education at the University of Technology, Jamaica
Ruth H. Potopsingh, Director of Sustainable Energy, School of Graduate Studies, Jamaica


Formal Education Programs in the CACCE Partnership
Allan Feldman, Professor, Department of Secondary Education, University of South Florida, & Larry Plank, Director of Science, Technology, Engineering and Math Education for Hillsborough County Public Schools, Florida, USA


Climate Change Education - unique linkages and opportunities between the Caribbean and CACCE
Maya A. Trotz, Associate Professor, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, University of South Florida, USA


The State of Monkey River Village
Percy A. Lewis, Acting Chief Executive Officer, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Belize


Resisting Disasters: Four Coastal Communities against All Odds
Lillian Ramírez (Research Associate) & Carlos Carrero-Morales (Research Assistant), Coastal Development, Sea Grant Program, Puerto Rico


The Vulnerability of Coastal Communities to Sea-Level Rise: A Case-Study of Grande Riviere, Trinidad and Tobago
Sandra Sookram, Fellow Sir Arthur Lewis, Institute of Social & Economic Studies, The University of The West Indies, St. Augustine Campus, Trinidad & Tobago


Communicating Climate Change: The Caribbean Experience
Indi Mclymont Lafayette, Regional Director, Media Community & Environment, Panos Caribbean, Jamaica Office, Jamaica


Building Resilience to Climate Change through Effective Communication
Judi Clarke, Regional Coordinator, The CARIBSAVE Partnership, Barbados