The Coastal Area Climate Change Education (CACCE) Partnership proposes to organize a number of partners in the coastal regions of the southeastern United States and U.S. territories in the Caribbean to educate the current generation of children and the next generation about global climate change, using sea level as a core theme. CACCE will establish new programs to educate the next generation of U.S. scholars in understanding climate in part by using paleo-sea level changes as a tool to examine the impact and reaction of ecosystems, including human communities, to past sea level change. The educational process will include building and analyzing scenarios to understand how to better handle human actions in the future. These educational efforts will have broad impacts for adapting to and mitigating the socio-economic challenges that global climate change (including rising sea-level) will impose upon coastal communities.

The partners of this project are:

University of South Florida
University of Puerto Rico at Mayagüez
Hillsborough County Public Schools
The Florida Aquarium
The University of Virgin Islands

The Intellectual Merit of the CACCE Partnership is based in its ability to bring together a wide range of stakeholders who have the interest in and the ability to accomplish major changes in the way that Americans are educated about climate change. By the end of the two-year Phase I funding period it will have accomplished the following:

  1. Identified the needs and opportunities re climate change education specific to the coastal areas of the southeast and the Caribbean. This will be made available through the Internet for other CCE Partnerships or other interested parties.

  2. Developed a comprehensive climate education plan for a Phase II proposal. All stakeholder groups will contribute to this plan and review it before the CACCE Partnership accepts it.

  3. Implemented and tested in Florida and Puerto Rico a transdisciplinary model of climate change education and research.

  4. Used the data from the evaluation, climate change education inventory, and stakeholder workshops to indentify new areas of research on climate change education.

The Broader Impact of the CACCE Partnership will be the result of its ability to bring to the table representatives of a wide-range of stakeholder groups, including higher education, formal K-12 education, informal education, industry and business, and local community groups. CACCE will work to ensure that the Partnership is sustained past the Phase I funding period even if it does not receive Phase II funding so that the effort to produce better educated STEM professionals and better informed citizens continues in our region.

We are also organizing educational activities like this one.

If you have any question about CACCE please contat

Fernando Gilbes Santaella
Center for Hemispherical Cooperation (CoHemis)
University of Puerto Rico at Mayagüez

Or send an email to: CACCEproject@gmail.com

MORE INFO AT: http://cacce.net/